Executive Team

Executive Team

Peter de Beer, LL.B, LL.M
Executive Director

Peter has an international education, legal and media background that lends itself to the implementation of the IPC’s growth strategy. He holds a LL.B law degree with honors from Kingston University, London and a Master of Laws degree from King’s College London (University of London). His former position as Legal Editor of a London publisher and his involvement with new media start-ups provide the IPC with invaluable insight. Peter has also held the position of Business & Legal Director of an international school in Portugal, where he sat on the board of directors His knowledge of international education and education management, including the levels of licensing and compliance regulation that surround the sector ensures that the IPC operates in conformity with local standards. He works closely with governmental departments by providing them with amended versions of the curriculum or letters of support in the case of IPC franchise preschool license applications. Peter also oversees and manages the daily operations of the organization.

Patricia Goodwin | Creative Director

Clarissa Davy | Client Relations Manager

Moya Bailey | Marketing Director

Academic Team

The IPC was devised and developed by a team of experienced early childhood educators and academics. Currently curriculum development is overseen by the following curricula developers:

Professor Donna Skinner, Ph.D

Professor Skinner has over 20 years of experience in the field of education – as a private school owner specializing in meeting the individual needs of students, as an educational consultant assisting schools in improving their quality of education and as a professor to post graduate students pursuing Masters in Education programs.

Dr. Rebecca J. Reynolds, Ph.D

Dr. Reynolds has dedicated her professional career to early childhood education and has been involved with various forms of curricula development and teaching for more than twenty years. Dr. Reynolds has an interest in Special Educational Needs (SEN) and continues to conduct and publish research in the field. She also works directly with the Head Start Program in Illinois as a consultant.

Dr. Erika Burton, Ph.D

Dr. Erika Burton, Ph.D Dr. Burton has pursued a passion for early literacy. Dr Burton’s focus on literacy culminated in the publication of a literacy based curriculum that focuses on phonics, sight words and early reading. Prior to pursuing her doctorate degree in Education, Dr Burton was an elementary school teacher and an assistant principal.